Sue GoodfellowCounselling & Psychotherapy

How I Work


My practice is founded on the work of Carl Rogers, a humanist psychologist who pioneered the Person-Centred Approach (PCA) psychotherapy model. Rogers believed that each of us has within us the resources to grow and develop to our full potential and lead healthy and fulfilling life, but that this process may be hampered, disrupted and distorted by relationships and life experiences, both past and present.

Rogers placed the expertise with the client and believed that as the therapist if he could offer certain, optimum conditions that there was the potential in all of us for psychological change and growth to take place. These conditions included creating a safe, empathic, non-judgemental and trusting space, one within which a client could experience a relationship that fully supported our innate tendency and wish to improve and enhance ourselves and to become the best that we can in our given circumstances.

My role therefore as therapist is to offer you these same conditions, a safe space within which I can hear the personal difficulties, the internal blocks and challenges that you are currently facing, the dark places and aspects of yourself that feel stuck or unsafe - to try and understand what it's like to be you and all that are experiencing. This is done through listening carefully and compassionately, trusting that you know what is safe to share, what may be too painful and that you know which direction to go in. My place is both alongside you as well as to gently challenge you, for us to work relationally and collaboratively.

Therapy is a space away from your everyday life where all of you is welcome. It's an invitation to embark on a journey into yourself and a process of deeper self-acceptance, understanding and compassion.

My practice is increasingly body-oriented and informed by findings in neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology, particularly within the fields of trauma and shame. I practice yoga and spend as much time as I can outdoors and have a deepening interest in what supports and maintains our inner healing through our connection to the natural world.

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